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Branko Medojević avatar

Agriculture Minister Aleksandar Martinović announced today, while visiting three beekeeping households in the municipality of Aleksinac, that the ministry will strive to increase funds in the form of incentives for people involved in beekeeping.

After visiting three beekeeping households, Martinović stated that these are serious households with a large number of beehives, emphasizing that beekeeping in Aleksinac has a long tradition.

„As for the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, we allocate significant funds in the form of incentives for people engaged in beekeeping, and I asked beekeepers today if they are satisfied with the measures that the state provides for this type of agricultural production, they said they are, of course, we will strive to increase these incentives as much as possible in the future,“ said Martinović.

The complete content of the news is available to users of Tanjug’s services.

Ministar poljoprivrede, Aleksandar Martinović, obišao je tri pčelarska domaćinstva u Aleksincu kako bi podržao pčelare i najavio moguće povećanje sredstava za podsticaje u pčelarstvu. Martinović je istaknuo važnost ove grane poljoprivrede te najavio nastojanja ministarstva da poveća finansijsku podršku za pčelare. Također, istaknuo je zadovoljstvo pčelara trenutnim merama države i najavio moguće povećanje podsticaja u budućnosti. Ovo će sigurno obradovati pčelare u Aleksincu koji već dugo tradiciju bavljenja ovim zanatom.

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