Negujte svoje ruže tokom zime! Sačuvajte ih do proleća, najvažnije je da uradite jednu stvar

Nebojša Novaković avatar

Saznajemo u ovom članku kako pravilno negovati ruže u bašti tokom zime. Zima može biti teško vreme za mnoge biljke, ali uz pravilnu negu, ruže mogu preživeti hladne mesece i procvetati u proleće.

Orezivanje ruža je važan korak u pripremi za zimu. U jesen, nakon što cvetovi opadnu, treba skratiti stabljike na otprilike 30-50 centimetara. Ovo će pomoći biljci da zadrži energiju i smanji rizik od oštećenja tokom zime.

Dodavanje sloja lišća oko biljke takođe je važna mera zaštite tokom zime. U hladnijim područjima, može biti potrebna dodatna zaštita. Važno je održavati tlo vlažnim, posebno tokom suvih zimskih dana. Provera nivoa vlage u zemljištu je ključna, a zalivanje je neophodno ako je potrebno.

Kada je reč o sadnji, treba izbegavati sadnju usred zime zbog mogućeg zamrzavanja tla koje može sprečiti biljke da dobiju potrebne hranljive materije. Važno je i nastaviti brigu o ružama nakon zime, primenjujući odgovarajuće đubrivo u proleće kako bi se osiguralo zdravlje biljaka.

U zaključku, pravilna nega ruža tokom zime može im pomoći da prežive hladne mesece i procvetaju u proleće. Proper care of roses in the garden during winter involves pruning, but also protection from bad weather.

Winter can be a challenging time for many plants, especially for roses, known for their beauty and fragrance. Proper care during the colder months can help your roses survive winter and bloom in spring.

Before winter comes, it is important to prepare roses properly, which includes pruning. In the fall, after the flowers begin to drop, trim the stems to about 30-50 centimeters. This will help the plant retain energy and reduce the risk of damage during winter.

One of the most important steps in preserving roses during winter is applying a layer of leaves around the plant. In areas where winter is colder, consider additional protection. Although winter brings a drop in temperature, it is important to keep the soil moist. Check the moisture level in the soil and water the roses as needed, especially during dry winter days.

However, planting should be avoided in the middle of winter, as the ground is likely to be frozen. Frozen soil can prevent plants from obtaining important nutrients.

When winter finally passes, it is important to continue caring for the roses. In spring, apply appropriate fertilizer to ensure the health of roses and other plants in your garden.

In conclusion, proper care of roses during winter can help them survive the cold months and bloom in spring.

Nebojša Novaković avatar