WhatsApp kopira Apple

Vesna Vuković avatar

WhatsApp testira opciju nazvanu Nearby Share, koja bi mogla omogućiti korisnicima Apple i Android uređaja da dele dokumente bežičnim putem. Ova opcija je slična AirDrop-u i omogućava slanje fotografija, videa, dokumenata i drugih datoteka preko enkriptovane veze. Korisnici iOS-a mogli bi da pokrenu proces skeniranjem QR koda radi bolje bezbednosti.
Ova opcija bi omogućila razmenu dokumenata između Androida i iOS-a bez korišćenja treće aplikacije, osim WhatsApp-a. Za sada je opcija u test fazi i dostupna samo određenim korisnicima, ali ako prođe dobro, mogla bi uskoro biti dostupna svima. Ovo bi značajno olakšalo razmenu dokumenata između korisnika različitih operativnih sistema.

WhatsApp is testing an option called Nearby Share, which could allow Apple and Android users to share documents wirelessly. This option is similar to AirDrop and allows sending photos, videos, documents, and other files over an encrypted connection. iOS users could initiate the process by scanning a QR code for enhanced security.
This option could enable the exchange of documents between Android and iOS without the need for a third-party app, except WhatsApp. For now, the option is in the testing phase and is only available to select users, but if successful, it could soon be available to everyone. This would significantly facilitate document exchange between users of different operating systems.

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