Sramna odluka PSSE da Kosovu da zeleno svetlo za prijem, nastoje da slome Srbe

Dejan Krstić avatar

Ruski ministar vanjskih poslova Sergej Lavrov kritizirao je danas Parlamentarnu skupštinu Vijeća Europe zbog odluke o prijemu tzv. Kosova u punopravno članstvo. U intervjuu za banjalučki ATV, Lavrov je nazvao Kosovo „teritorij bezakonja“ koji je Zapad nazvao „svjetionicima demokracije“.

Lavrov tvrdi da su priznavanje Kosova i uvođenje sankcija Rusiji uslovi Brisela za Srbiju ako želi postati članicom EU. On također navodi da Zapad ignorira prijateljstvo dvaju naroda te da je u tijeku pokušaj slomiti Srbe, kao i pokušaja donošenja rezolucije o Srebrenici u UN. Lavrov pohvaljuje predsjednika Republike Srpske Milorad Dodik koji se bori za Daytonski sporazum.

Lavrov smatra da se Srbi ne ponašaju dovoljno samostalno jer neće uvesti sankcije Rusiji, neće priznati neovisnost Kosova niti dopustiti da postane član međunarodnih organizacija. Za Zapad je to ultimatum Beogradu, dok Dodik i njegov tim jedini u BiH brane Daytonski sporazum. Lavrov se također osvrnuo na Kristijana Šmita, visokog predstavnika kojeg RS ne priznaje, tvrdeći da pokušava raditi s političkim snagama srednjobosanskih Hrvata te da i oni brane identitet i principe Dejtonskog sporazuma.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov criticized the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe today for its decision to admit Kosovo as a full member. In an interview with Banja Luka’s ATV, Lavrov called Kosovo a „territory of lawlessness“ that the West has called a „beacon of democracy“.

Lavrov argues that recognizing Kosovo and imposing sanctions on Russia are conditions set by Brussels for Serbia’s EU membership. He also argues that the West ignores the friendship between the two peoples and that there are ongoing attempts to break the Serbs, as well as attempts to pass a resolution on Srebrenica in the UN. Lavrov praises the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, who is fighting for the Dayton Agreement.

Lavrov believes that the Serbs are not behaving independently enough because they will not impose sanctions on Russia, will not recognize Kosovo’s independence, or allow it to join international organizations. For the West, this is an ultimatum to Belgrade, while Dodik and his team are the only ones in BiH defending the Dayton Agreement. Lavrov also commented on Christian Schmidt, the high representative whom the RS does not recognize, claiming that he is trying to work with political forces of the moderate Bosnian Croats and that they too defend the identity and principles of the Dayton Agreement.

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